Macadamia Nut Oil Production

In the year 2020, Inter-Agri Oils began producing their own cold-pressed macadamia nut oil. The members of Inter-Agri Oils have approximately 2000 acres (800 hectares) of macadamia nut trees under cultivation. A certain portion of these nuts are used in the production of cold-pressed macadamia nut oil. After harvesting, the soft, green husk and the hard brown outer shell are removed. The nuts are then dried to reduce the moisture content and lastly the nuts are cold-pressed and filtered to produce a superior macadamia nut oil high in monosaturated fats.

Arial view of the Macadamia Nut Orchards


Young macadamia nut orchards

After cracking, nuts are dried and cold-pressed


Nuts are cracked and sorted using an industrial cracking machine

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